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Domain is a term used arbitrarily to express legitimate, restricted premises so to explain the visitor of its limited boundaries.

Boundaries act as guarding fence so to compose the element within the domain.

Intellect have similar sibling in the format of domain where intellect can enter on behalf of their expertise ,skill, and define knowledge in the form and format of their qualification, interpretation, evaluation, inference, predictions and notions.

Prefix and suffix awards and medal explain the legitimacy of concealed qualities that grants permissible visa to enter the domain of such intellects as similar school of thinking and thoughts.

This certificate of grant create a presumed impression that the nomenclature and configuration has built-in tendency to share and sprinkle the domain within and outside with the emblem of achievement in the form of knowledge, thereby sharing and uplifting the profile of consumer.

However distraction, distortion and displacement from ethical, moral and professional attitude due to factors that could buy any thing, less ability and knowledge, deteriorated these preliminary and honorary awards.

Nevertheless, in spite of such deranged and distorted figure, discrimination is still the subject of study and sorting, on ground of responses, reactions,  interpretations and assessment, in such platform, so to slot those that qualifies as ultimate flag bearer as intellect.

Although abilities as prerequisite under such portfolio is a variant subject of theme and contest but nevertheless abilities in the contest of similar belongings and ornament of intellects are assessed through the way of interpretation based perception with logical result oriented theme.

However there are instances when such acquired grants and awards are subjected to disqualification on grounds of in experience, ill knowledge, ill expertise, skill, turnout in professional excellence and grooming, expressing the notion that illegitimate award in terms of incentive as classes’ cadre and wealth had been acquired.

During such episode of exposure, maltreatment becomes the fate of individual.

Although such offensive and rude impressions are expression of displeasure and annoyance though they still bear some element of own which demand perception and broad mindedness.

Rejection, , disown, criticism, and maltreatment, although a universally accepted offensive terminologies but these factors of humiliation and dejection infact create reactionary offensive retaliation, thus boosting and uplifting the profile of a person who is exposed or discriminated in this regard.

Under such stressful preoccupied enmity, rift or rivalry desire to attack and compete again with the discriminator is created hence reverting again on the platform with more thrust and power.

Since this platform is an intellectual platform, sufferer is expected to visit the forum again with new concept of interpretation, perception and examination, thereby defending the title and award that has been dishonored, granted or sublimated.

In my opinion under the requisite justification, I see no offence to be apologetic or be ashamed of such behavior as such action has built-in tendency as  intention to uplift the profile, so to lesson the future indulgence, in terms of realization, for it  is the essence of grooming which prepare the individual of the fact that advocacy demands logical justification as circumstantial evidences on ground of available facts and figures in terms of interpretation and such requisite thereby dictating  to keep them foremost whenever encounters and indulgence becomes the fate as part and parcel.

Qualification bought through in lieu of bucks can not create essence as a professional and under such restrictive domain of entrance, quality as trait to perceive and interpret things can easily be assessed after having version of thoughts on the platform.

 In the books of investigative principle acts after dreadful episodes can never escape definition and interpretation.

If every thing would have been ok, actions would have never gain attention in the eyes of scrutiny.

 Critical evaluation of the actions as murder, have no second thought but to tag the action and event a chain of command,  so to explain the mode and format of designed fatality as next option in runner-up.

Eyes witness what is been shown and mind logically interpret what is seen.

Ethically, deviation of thoughts only results when there are two episodes of different theme, at same time, in similar environment, by same suspect, thereby, balancing each other, thus directing individual to indulge discussion scrutiny with open horizon, dimensions and sphere hence, keeping all ifs and buts in legitimate vocabulary.

 Action and related turmoil that have linear and symbiotic resemblance in meaning and explanation and resultant outcome, in no way can escape exemption as permission.

Similarly murder itself explains the extensive severity of motive as crime.

A person known to be a comedian is never a victim of his normal activity.

@ All, why is it that after a sad episode of culmination as death we humanly express our opinion to close the chapter, as something unusual being happened, therefore, no further discussion gains part of our lives that has caused such a turmoil to the country, such as that occur in the shape of the death of benazir Bhutto.

In my opinion it is this attitude that has never highlighted and solved the murder, mysteries and myth from liaqat Ali khan to Benazir Bhutto.
It is this attitude of people to give away their will to participate in discussion thereby allowing criminals to enjoy the perks as there is no one to hinder the route that has been created.

We got to perceive thing professionally, like lawyers and doctors who after loosing a patient or client starts preparing the new patient or case so to relief as been asked to do.