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During my routine visit to a site on internet I encountered an article that poked me to put my input as opinion and the same is being floated for the readers for their comments.


“Is Oral Sex Allowed After Marriage? I am quite perplexed, and that is why I am asking “Is Oral Sex for both man and women allowed after marriage in Islam, Christianity and other religions? Hate comments are also welcome”. By ….

Dear, it is a quite interesting topic to open a chapter of diversified opinion of realm of entertainment cum behavioral study of human response to sexual need.

Although I do not want to indulge the discussion of the topic in relation as desired by your kind soul to float the opinion with reference to religious limitations and restrictions, yet in my opinion the conclusion will automatically demarcate the discussion with in the domain of religion based methodology on the issue.

Dear in my opinion discussion on an issue should not be curtailed or demarcate as per requested criteria of restricted domains as it will deviate the resultant fair outcome of the ultimate benefit.

 If I perceive the issue regardless of affiliation and restricted domain of ethical, moral, social and religious abiding and abandoning and on the plat form and domain of physician being considerate to the patient and its immediate relief, I foresee no option but to console and reside by virtue of exercising the feedback and input of my patient with a maximal matched reservation of the partners for best result.

With reference to the contest a similar case was presented to me in whom partners reported me along with subject reserving comments and plea.

In the unusual scenario husband wanted to indulge with the wife in such acts of fantasies where as the wife was unprepared and unresponsive on the issue resulting in a continuous annoying rift and aggression within the premises of relation.

After multiple visits of the couple in shared and privacy, a reasonable approach towards a successful match erupted with console and patch.

However within the premises of such obligatory standardization of required moral social, religious curtailment, these values take prestige over the issue.

Horizons of such discussion, in my opinion should open a fair platform of opinion and such open vocabularies than be summed as per requested version as element of curtailment and restrictions.

The benefit of such discussion will always resides on the natural process of curtailment and being Muslim this is my belief that Islam is the only religion that is more towards the nature and its instincts.

Although I am not familiar or oriented as per Islamic or other religious version of thoughts but being a medical graduate and in possession of abilities to counsel patient for their ailments I have my reserve opinion on the issue in the domain and premises of medical science.

Every living object on this universe has by designing been put in to a unique format of copulation so to give a new dimension of progeny and generation.

This is such a unique concept of mating that automatically floats through the stream of life cycle without any prior training or exercise, making it in to an inborn or innate trait of that object.

However such innate abilities to bring offspring in human are perceived and studied in more refined and observatory format so to evaluate the diversified instinct of sex and fantasies associated with it.

This is because of the tendency of humans to react in need of their mandatory requirement as per their imaginative and desired thoughts.

Similarly in order to curtail and move these subjects , in a more decent and approachable manner that they may not conflict with the designed social ,moral ,and others required criteria’s of society, rules regulation and requirement been formulated in different Era of time since evolution and during and as per their belief ,culture ,environment and religious beliefs so to create e element of modesty and social necessity .

Any act of such fantasies cordon imaginative desire, that reflects a reactionary impulse not with in the closed premises of refined and observatory format of behavioral psychology of human, are termed in the contest of abnormal.

Such acts when related to sexual need are termed perversions and such perverted enthusiasms are referred as abnormal sexual perversions.

Although this topic of sexual perversion has no limited boundary in the books of medical jurisprudence, psychology and behavioral sciences but it definitely compares these acts with laid mode of sexual intercourse as relative.

Under such laid down criteria of normal sexual behavior, any such acts that reflect deviation in approach are tagged as violation of regulations and your query qualifies to be tagged as displaced ethics.

However if I perceived the desire to accomplished a model sexual accomplishment, such fantasies and ideas comes under the domain of normal behavior as long as partners are willing to own.

Such acts as licking and blow jobs and kissing are in the domains of fore play like handling the different parts of the body of the mode or partner before sex as gratification and similar indulgence in the captivity of desirable fantasy of thoughts mutually to fulfill the lust are the precursors of imaginative thoughts that culminate in eventual accomplishment of satisfied sexual relationship as happy partners.

Factors that restrict and demarcate this entity of sex have different essential, obligatory, religious, legal, ethical and social implications in the form of different perspective and as long as acceptance becomes the faith, indulgence can not be curtailed, especially when mutually agreed.

 In my opinion any thing is normal as long as partners are willing, since legal and social authorization between couples as marriage resides on one of the most important pillar as sex.