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Habit is a behavior or quality that develops through the healthy or unhealthy act of person without utilizing the conscious in to a quality that becomes its characteristics.

Similarly practice is a similar synonymous act that becomes a quality of individual through the platform of repetition.

Although both synonymous terms are used to express the qualities of individual act as excellence or quality trait yet the contextual difference between the two is only evident when the terms are unanimously put in discussion of repetitive acts.

These repetitive acts when isolated are restricted to the domain of individual acquired trait whereas when it is practice at large resides on the plateau of acquired practice of society.

A practice that becomes a dominant trait of society becomes the part of behavior.

Such behaviors at grass root levels escapes attention however when it regains a power and dominancy it is transformed in to attitude.

Attitude at individual level can be encountered by counseling, briefing, and resolving the clash and to the maximum punishing but such dominant trait at large can only be monitored by addressing at large and implementing rules and regulation as penalty so to instruct in peaceful mode the requirement and abidance of the idea thus restricting to halt the attitude.

After going through multiple reservations of different voices I have an impression that people have a dominant problem of attitude that needs counseling as it has taken a clear picture of clash to the said requirement of essentiality as life saving procedure.

The same attitude is the problem of almost every individual including me in Pakistan.

Although reserving comments have very important elements of other essential paraphernalia’s as well, but as per contextual requirement of article I would simply run on the same road to wearing of helmet and its abidance.

Correlating different issues with habit and practices of violating attitude is a real mismatch.

We can not simply ignore rules /regulation and implementation of law by tagging that there are more issues on the run to solve.

In a well-mannered society ,abidance of traffic rules express the attitude towards writ of the state and its governance .This also express the turn out of citizen towards their moral obligations towards law and legislation as well.

The prerogative to charge a challan  is the authority of the state that is being granted to a police man in lieu of penalty for any such individual who breach or breaks law.

Similarly the state or the authority has the prerogative to confiscate and award punishment from license to arrest on repeated act of breach.

Here I would like to express and contradict the say of majority that “take care of big issues and small issues would take care of it”.