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Vulnerability explains potential that may ultimately result in unforeseen havoc.

This accidental mishap has predefined criterion that can be perceived, visualized and calculated however errors and fate have their impact in spite of premeditated move.

Similarly risks are a threat that reacts and warn before move; to take necessary precautionary means prior to execution that is by fixing unseen, upcoming and likely hazards therefore practically making journey safe and secure.

People who risk their lives for others are usually considered eminent and symbols as insignias therefore to face vulnerabilities themselves making the route to  destination safe for others whereas; the one who prefer their own journey ;a matter of more importance rather over life of others are tagged self-centered.

Pakistan is one hell place; where people in category as dominant; are the one that falls in self centered.

It’s a place; where you may find classes butchering classes.

This is through a deliberate risking and indulgent behavior to carry cash by all means; even for custom and causes hence putting anything and any one even their own as legitimate in terms of vulnerability as risk.

In my opinion nothing in the contextual theme of application as correction can be; the fate of this country unless rule of law as punishment; would dominant as regulation.

Actually this cursing as behavior; is the dominant trait of this community as Pakistani and a special thanks to their non Islamic practices though within the belief of Islamic emblem; that has altogether distorted the image as legitimate citizen.

Pakistan at the age of this approaching 70th decade; has left no vision but to surrender the thought that perhaps there was some miscalculation to accurately calculate the vulnerabilities in upcoming future.

Though it was not at all a mistake in inference  but the actual flaw lies within the bloody essence of this community as Pakistani since; their belief over the subject to own and risk life for others is an altogether different concept.

“One day a boy asked his father what is governance in Pakistani politics and Future of the people and country.

 Father replied that;

“I run the home so I am government’ ‘your Mom is opposition’ and our ‘maid as servant’ is a working class;

Since we all look after you so ‘you’ are people’ & your ‘younger brother’ is our ‘future’.

This is ‘Pakistani politics’ and ‘governance’ and its ‘future’.

The boy was in a bit uneasy and no standing position as understand.

At night boy heard his younger brother crying as his ‘nappy was dirty’.

He was anxious and worried.

Boy went to his mother to inform her but he saw her ‘sleeping’.

Than he went to maid room and he saw his father ‘sexing’ with the maid.

He went back to his room therefore to sleep without paying further attention.

The next morning boy told his father that now I understand ‘Pakistani politics, governance and its future clearly’.

Father in inquisitive intent, asks him to describe.

The boy replied: that,

“Government is fuc***g working class;’ ‘opposition is sleeping;’ people are ‘ignorant’ and ‘future is in deep shit’.