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Born in 69, brought up in semi political, professional back ground, served and groomed in bureaucratic environment reached a self assessed consensus that continuous changes from different setups and sights have reciprocally changed the picture of my personality in to a subject as controversial.


Although this controversy is not affiliated with my political belonging but, my images that is perceived by other commentator, which is perhaps by virtue of my previous exposures in the day to day changing scenario of politics and first hand info by virtue of my semi political background and military service, I have developed a feeling that there is some sort of reservation and grievances in the opinion of the public on my commentary during discussion.


If I scrutinize the reservation the chaining can take me to the core idea that at one hand people are unfamiliar to the ground realities whereas on the other hand they have severe misconception or perhaps genuine grievances or reservation against the military, as the element of rectification has never been initiated by any one.


This reservation is up to the extent that they start criticizing from the standstill with an opinion reflecting, severe blows, bias, and booms that perhaps they are not remarking on their own country watch dogs but rather some external force.


Although at one hand it is severely distressing but on the other hand it also astonishes that why actions to remodel and rectify the thoughts of people has not been initiated so that such misconception or whatever may not gain entrance again in to the mind and opinion of people.


Attitude of disowning our own forces has breached the level that, limits of acceptability of version can not be lineated.


Criticism, up to the extent of digging and exhumation is voluntarily practiced and multiple entries, in the form of persons gain the succession one after the other with similar new reservation and grievance, so to tag new circular on the chapter of discussion.


Condemnation up to the limit of carnation as burial and slogan as bad omen is the desired mode to share and impart as religious and mandatory belief.


Supporting self assessed docus and inimical quotes and abstract from people around the world that has no bearing within Pakistan or are striving to destabilize the nation, are expressed as the most prestigious verdict of the day, so to entangle and dish up the means for more ignition.


If I am not wrong, from grocery to pay and from electricity bill to welfare, all are perceived and blame as habitual and all-time reservation.


Why is it that our own people have disregarded our own arm forces?


What are those elements or factors that has created such embezzlement and untoward behavior, in our own people against our own forces.


Why is it that in spite of the reason that we are part and parcel of same community but are always perceived as enemy forces?


To dig out my own answer, I do not find a single platform of entry so to reach a clue which may console the deranged behavior of our own people.


In my opinion it is the past history that has disfigured the thoughts and design of mind of people, thus deliberately sabotaging the prestige and honor of the forces among people.


Indulgence in politics, maneuvering in politics, distortion of constitution, and deliberate overcoming of throne within the premises of oath and uniform are the factors responsible for such criticism and disowning attitude.


Although the beneficiary of such lavish and deliberate acts were few but the effacement was bearded by the institution as a whole, in the line and name of duty.


Although entry point for such succession was almost always provided and supported by similar siblings in civilian setup but this brief can not be own to justify the breach. This is supported by the fact that such grounds were produced during death of Gen.Zia ul haq as well but the military successor of that time abided the rule and its oath like loyal citizen and handed over the domain to its original successors.


If I recall the history of various civil military dictatorship tenure top rankers filling the vacancy in 60 years of Pakistan‘s life, very few will be seen to demolish the prestigious institutions of the country and among them Yahya khan, Ayub khan, zia ul haq and Pervaiz Musharraf  are the fore runners and favorite numerical.


Although not very much familiar with the ground realities of different era of these dictatorial regime, except which is in run, but brief as per version of different thoughts in the form of history is there to assist the thinking process so to take discussion to a conclusive fate.


Perceiving things and situation from this site of school of civil is a different theme whereas receptions at service ends are different.


Why it is the element of defiance has overcome and exaggerated, the whole military institution by replacement with tyranny and grievances, among our own siblings.


In my opinion, it is this lack of communication followed by continuous breach in the form of dictatorial regime that has now presented itself as most malign attitude of unforgivable gesture.


In order to perceive fruit full result of subject discussion we got to take the banner of opinion on separate plat form of discussion. Here our both schools of thoughts civilian and military need to observe the issue by entering in to each other Myth and designed horizon.


Military by virtue of its designed and built-in structure is a close, well guarded system of institution where social interactions are curtailed due to sensitivity of appointments and task assigned.


Although prohibition at social level is not restricted by any mandatory assignment but it’s a self made MOU by virtue of design of institution and system that automatically restrain or refrain individual, to engage in social circles.


 However this is an understandable mandatory element in this service, to be reserved socially so to avoid litigations, conflicts, and untoward behavioral anomalies, which may compromise the prestige honor and integrity of the officer, institution, and nation.


If I revert to civilian school of thinking mechanics, there is no such restriction that, can curtail a single individual, unless he is involved in litigation or some criminal offence .this authority is vested by virtue of the constitution of Pakistan and as vested in articles on right of citizen.


Under such extreme of broad horizon of approach a civil person can do the choice of subject as and when desire with no obligatory defined rules and regulation and can indulge in any activity of its desire with no essentiality as oath and MOU.


Under such extreme diversified structural difference in system of ,bindings ,rules ,regulation, discipline ,oath ,checks ,service ,sensitivity and defined mode and pattern of commodities ,interaction between the two school is a factor that exists in all its form and shape ,thus representing the two school as opposite siblings with different way of spending life ,adding again in to the controversy of ill exposure of both sides ,although residing in same community.


This factorial difference is further assisted by continuous service requirement in the form and format of posting and non bias law enforcement and assistance as regard to the state. If I scrutinize this law enforcement and assistance, it will again open a new window of vocabulary, as such forces that handle or are required to move on demand, has by virtue of system, a design that restrict mobility in the contest of interaction as misuse of power and oblige can become a tendency.


If I curtail this discussion on basic structural difference of two school and reintroduce my self as observer, in to the theme of interaction and reservations against military, so to dig the Myth for such retaliation by our own, I would have no hesitation that the indulgence of this institution in to the interior administrative domain of politics has in reality, exploited in advertently as victim of criticism.


This act although if I perceive in the light of responsible oath holders and service man is a part and parcel of duty  to stabilize any internal threat but on the contrary ,deceiving the theme and indulging in to the administration of highest offices in the name of rehabilitation can not be assimilated as such .


Practices in the contest of maneuvering of constitution and promulgation of law at and as desired so to continue the highest chair is a cruel approach that has sabotage the institutional prestige and honor with in our own community and people.


Utilization of such prestigious platform so to enable personal motives has besieged the traditional role as guardians.


Although the beneficiaries were few but the brunt is to be faced by institution as a whole thus disembarking and tagging every one within with same slogan of hatred.


Why it is that system does not curtail such dictatorial individual by built-in self designed standard operative procedure that may automatically disentangle the corrupt part if it involves under such acts, without putting in to the threat of coup or anarchical situation.


Why is it the steps conducted are allowed to be floated as desired without any hindrance, although, every one are under the guarded sworn of Sunnah and constitution.


This is a point where no one can claim to be responsible free.


Regulation and bindings in service are based on acceptance as oath to safe guard the integrity, sovereignty, constitution, sites, scenes, and people from all aggression whether external or internal .Any individual whatsoever ,is not beyond the rule of law ,and personnel under oath has dual responsibility to look after .


In my opinion safeguarding the constitution of Pakistan is as important as defending the boundaries of nation.


 Any such breach that is causing such disastrous ailment to the people of Pakistan, its institutions and constitution is a challenged to the pride of the nation, so to uplift their profile, and prestige and the say of the people that has been sacrificed by few immoral dictators.


In my opinion such generous action may be initiated that may carry out liaison between different school of thoughts among civil military horizons so to console and create harmony with removal of misconceptions and grievances.


Concluding the discussion with regard to present all time soldier General Kiani, who represent an idol to be followed by all upcoming Breed in Pakistan army, that it is requested on behalf of the nation that measures to safe guard the constitution be made as all-time standing operative procedure, so to halt such immoral who once in a blue moon get out of their dungeons, sabotaging the integrity, and will of the people.